Sunday, February 15, 2009

Blast From The Past X 2

Oh Lord..

Again.. if you don't know who Phyllis Diller is, please close your browser now for it will self destruct and your hair will turn white and stand straight out fooorrrevvvaaaa.

This is a fun tidbit with Phyllis and Roseanne having lunch together and I truly believe Phyllis wants Roseanne to get out of the friggin kitchen!! Boy do I know that feeling... Ok that's another post for another day.. Anywho... both these woman are comedic geniuses and so amazing to see them together. You can see more of Roseanne at her website to get updated with all her political rants and crazy stuff.. but lord.. I still find this woman hysterical!!!!

Okay.. I have been told a thousand times that I am a younger version (omg.. do they know how old I am??) version of Roseanne. I torture my kids.. pull constant pranks on them where I try to convince them they are adopted, unwanted and funny looking. and they compete to make me laugh. I am so proud of my brood... They can take a lickin..

I miss both these woman and hate to see female comics put out to pasture.

I'm just saying...

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